6 January, Epiphany, is the day that kicks off the Historic Carnival of Ivrea: at 8.30am the Pipes and Drums come out for the first time and go around the city playing their pifferate.
On the same day, at 12 noon, the investiture of the General also takes place in Piazza di Città. At 2pm the Credendari bring their greetings to the Magnificent Podestà in the presence of the Historical Groups; this is followed by the Ceremony of Salt and Bread and the Procession of the Historical Group, Credendari, Podestà, Pipes and Drums.
The day ends with the Mass in the Cathedral and the Ceremony of the Candles: the Magnificent Podestà, accompanied by his retinue, makes a gift to the Bishop of the votive candle to invoke the Virgin Mary’s protection over the city. This moment is inspired by an ancient ceremony that took place in the Chapel of the Three Kings on Mount Stella, built around 1220 on the advice of St Francesco of Assisi.
The Pipes and Drums group traces its origins back to the military bands that used to accompany armies in ancient times. They were formed in 1808, during the Napoleonic era, although their musical tradition is actually established as far back as the 16th century.