ATTS, together with GTT, is organizing the eighteenth edition of the Torino Trolley Festival, to promote the tramway as a part of the historical and cultural heritage belonging to all the citizens, by exposing and using historical vehicles. In the morning, between 10am and 11.30am, five historical tramcars from different Italian cities (Torino, Roma, Bologna and Trieste) will be available for a special tour from Piazza Statuto to Piazza Bernini and back with no intermediate stops. At 11.30am a parade of 12 historical tramcars will leave Piazza Statuto and will return there by 12.30pm. In the afternoon, between 2.30pm and 6pm, five historical tramcars from Torino will be available for a special tour through the city centre, from and to Piazza Statuto with no intermediate stops. Reservations are not required.